Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Survived!

Sorry for the wait guys, but I'm happy to report that after 8 whole days {yes, 8 days - originally thought I could do 20 days of this stuff, but I totally broke down close to halfway through} of lemonade hell...

I'm 5 pounds lighter!! :) 

Now that may not seem like a lot to you guys, but to me, it feels like a very good start. I already feel like I've gotten a good chunk of my energy back {which sparked up motivation for a light jog around the neighborhood with Brett yesterday afternoon} and getting much better at being all-around healthier every day.

I may not have reached my goal of 20 days, but I still feel extremely proud of myself that I made it as far as I did.

My final thought for the lemonade diet: I recommend it ONLY if you are serious about a lifestyle change, but it's definitely not for the faint of heart. The worst part of the whole thing was towards the end when it got physically difficult for me to choke down anymore of the lemonade concauction because I really {a complete understatement} missed the taste of food.


On another note...

I have been a domestic goddess around our household since I quit my job and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually LOVE it!! :) Not only do I clean more now, I also cook and really enjoy it! When I was working, I couldn't even think about doing small loads of laundry, vacuuming, cleaning out the dishes piled high in the sink or scrubbing the toilet without anxiety instantly taking over. Both Brett and I would be so tired after work that any of these chores were lucky if they got done during our only free-time on the weekends {if I wasn't working that is}.

Now, the place looks nice on a daily basis and smells great! Not that it didn't smell great before, but it didn't actually have a smell at all. I'm the kind of girl that loves good smells VERY much, which explains my obsession with candles and recently rekindled fondness for incense. I love that when Brett comes home from work, he comes home to a clean house and a nice home cooked meal. It's pretty awesome to say the least. I never thought this stuff would make me happy, but it does, so I'm going to stick with it ;)

In case you're wondering, here are some of the things I made over the last few days...

-Kale Chips
-Chicken Fajitas
-Mediterranean Vegetable Soup

I'm going to make a tuna avocado egg salad today so we can make sammiches for dinner tonight {a recipe I found on Pinterest of course}! I'm so excited!!!! Going to get the stuff to make it right now and tomorrow I'll give you guys a little play-by-play on how it went. Seems easy and delicious, but we'll see soon enough if that holds true.

{P.S.} The business idea I've thought up {the thing I mentioned at the end of my last post} definitely involves food, but the kind of food that won't clog your arteries and give you double the risk of any types of illness or disease {don't worry, it will still be VERY tasty and delish food}. I'm already formulating menu ideas so stay tuned!

{P.S.S.} I promise to try my absolute hardest to update this thing more often then just once a week :P

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