You're probably wondering to yourself "What the heck is Crazy Brain Syndrome?!" right about now and this is my explanation:
It's the way your brain chooses to react to things on a day when you are running on very little to no sleep.
It's like you're awake, but your brain is still struggling to wake up. That's probably the best way for me to describe it. Let me just break it down like this: Days like these are when Brett and I practically break into tears from the absolutely ridiculous s*&! that comes out of my mouth.
For instance, this morning Brett left for work around 6:00am and I, of course, wake up with him. For those of you who don't know, I am a light sleeper for the most part and can be woken up fairly easily so this happens every time he has to get up early. Well unfortunately, I wasn't able to fall asleep until about 3:30am last night because of some insane bout of insomnia so at this point, I had literally only been asleep for 2.5 hours. After he kissed me goodbye and then started to put his shoes on, I yelled to him from the bedroom,
"Just leave the light on babe - I'll figure it out!"
WHAT??? This is exactly what was going through both of our heads after I realized what I had just said in my half-awake, half asleep stupor. What I meant to say was "leave the light on, I'll turn it off" as I always follow him out to chain the door and lock it {I'm a complete and absolute freak about this because I'm an avid watcher of I Survived on the BIO channel and it terrifies me since the episodes I end up watching just so happen to be the ones that involve home invasions}. We both knew what I meant to say and instantly started laughing - hysterically.
Reminder: This is only ONE instance of my CBS today...hopefully I'll crash early tonight and catch up on some zzzz's so my brain can recover from this insanity {although these days are gems for my fiance when they come along lol!}. I can confidently say that my close friends have witnessed me going through CBS at one time or another and it has created some very funny memories for us all.
I'm just lucky that the man I love most in this world see's the humor in my flaws and that we can crack each other up as easily and as much as we do ;) Wouldn't have it any other way...
Readers: Please feel free to share your own stories if you've had any cases of CBS that were "ones for the record books". I would LOVE to hear them so I can laugh even more {Laughing is what I do - it's food for my soul}.
Wishing everyone an early TGIF!!!
I know a special lady who actually decided to put a dipping bowl in the sink that was the perfect size for the drain. As it got stuck, all of the water clogged up and we couldn't get the bowl out. So, this special lady decided it would be a great idea to fill the sink with more water and soap hoping to loosen up the bowl to be pulled out.
ReplyDeleteI, on the other hand, decided to get a suction cup holder from the shower to get the bowl out. Worked like a champ. I love that special lady though. Always hilarious. :)