Monday, April 2, 2012

End of Day 1 - Not Dead Yet...Thank G.

I want to let you guys know that before I started this all-liquid Lemonade Diet, I secretly doubted my will power...

I did NOT think I would make it to the end of my first day on this thing without sprinting to our refrigerator for some tasty treats the first time I got hunger pains, but in all honesty, Day 1 was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. The lemon concoction is bearable and definitely keeps that "so hungry I'm almost absolutely certain my stomach is eating itself" feeling at bay {at least most of the time}. When I first researched the different at-home detox diets and found this one, I was initially thinking... 

What the eff am I doing??/Why do I want to do this crazy s*^& again??

Then I immediately remembered {when I caught a glance at my wedding to-do list lying next to me} - I'm 200 15 pounds overweight and need to fit into my wedding dress before August 31st rolls around...

EXTREMELY crucial. 

However, my wonderful fiance has been relishing in the fact that he can eat food as he trots around the house shoving Doritos and chicken nuggets into his mouth. I do believe this is a good time for me to mention that Brett {the whom I'd die and do anything for} - is one of those people that has an incredibly high metabolism so anything he eats, it comes right back out. It doesn't stick ANYWHERE on him, thus, he basically eats whatever the hell he wants without any of the weight gain fun {and this makes me beyond jealous}. But it will not phase me - my determination is on fire right now! 

Moral of the story: I'm VERY happy and proud of myself for making it through Day 1 without a hitch! Crossing my fingers for another smooth day tomorrow :) 

Day 2 - Bring.It.On. 

Motivation. I will get back to this...

{P.S.} On a side note - I've been super psyched about all of the time I have on my hands lately and it's helped me spawn some really fun and doable business ideas... Stay tuned! :) 

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