Sunday, April 1, 2012

Turning.a.New.Leaf.(a healthy one).

I admit. For a reeeeaaaally long time, I have known that my health has been, let's just say - less than stellar/not in "tip-top" shape/out of sorts - you get the point. I realized that the last 2 years of my life have included more changes (some good, some bad) than you can count and I've gotten more things stacked onto my plate than I know what to do with - this in turn has caused me to neglect the very real damage I've been doing to my body over those years. I've had my hand on the "I'm ignorantly putting food into my body I know I shouldn't" button for a while now and also going through all of my work weeks at full-speed. Needless to say, it's definitely taking it's toll. Trust me when I say that after I became officially "unemployed" as of two weeks ago, it felt like a giant elephant had been lifted off my back and life as a whole has improved dramatically. Let me explain...

After a few years of 70+ hour work weeks which included lots of late nights, chaotic days, insane demands, and too many things out of my control variables to count - it just didn't make sense to continue what I was doing with my career after realizing that the work/life "balance" didn't really exist at all in a corporate environment. I basically gave up my life for my career and couldn't justify it any longer - so, I quit. I refuse to wake up and dread every single day that I have to go in to the office for the rest of my working life. Deciding to do things on my terms and in my own way by following my heart instead of the money (with my fiance's unwavering support - love him <3) has by far been one of the best choices I could've ever made. 

I'm taking charge over my mind, body and soul - trying my hardest now to get all 3 aligned. First step - my health. I know I need to get serious about this (especially when our wedding is less than 5 months away) so after MUCH google surfing and A LOT of health article reading, I'm 99.99777878980% sure that I found the best solution to kick-start my "new leaf" - The Lemonade Diet. Here is an article if you want to read a little about this crazy thing I speak of. I will be starting it tomorrow and keeping it going for at least 10 days straight, but my goal is 20 - keeping you posted the whole way. 

Alright Lemonade Diet, let's do this!!! ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, girlie, I'll be paying attention to what you have to say. You are an intelligent, beautiful and driven person. I have great hope for your bright future. :-)
